Stained glass window restauration

Craftsmanship in stained glass restoration and conservation

Do you have a beautiful stained glass window that needs to be restored to its former glory? I would gladly restore it with respect for the original materials and design.

Contact me for a price tailored to your project.

As a passionate glazier, I am committed to preserving historical heritage by restoring and renewing stained glass windows. My mission is to save these beautiful works of art from demolition and give them a new life.

In doing so, I take current energy standards into account. Using contemporary techniques, I integrate these classic windows into modern, energy efficient solutions. The stained glass window is carefully placed between high performance glass. This allows you to enjoy the timeless beauty of the window and turn down the heating a little.

Every repair is done in close consultation with the customer. This can be done on site or in my workshop.

I look forward to working with you to preserve and renew these unique stained glass windows!

Restauration projects

“Glass gave me a new direction and became my passion.”

Charlotte Forrier

Lovely words about Atelier Forrier

5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
Every palace deserves a beautiful entrance gate to leave a grand impression.
The stained glass in our front door was dying. Thank you Charlotte for restoring it to its former glory.
Your enthusiasm and drive were contagious. We will definitely come back to you for our next project!
Tim and Nele